Last year I began to use Periscope and I shared a post about that here. I have since been using it so much more. I’ve also been studying some big time scoper’s and want to see how often new and pre-service teachers are using it. Sadly, not many are.
After a year of working with Periscope, I’m challenging you to start sharing your classroom and your work using Periscope. This application, owned by Twitter, is providing educators a chance to share a window into their work and support others to connect to them in real-time. You can start by following me @teachwithsoul on Periscope.
It’s easy to log on and begin to view some great broadcasts. You’ll need to start by downloading the App for your Smartphone or tablet. Then you can log-in using your Twitter account or with your phone number. Here’s some info.
Once you log in, search out your friends on Twitter and follow them on Periscope. When you follow someone, you can set up an alert to know every time that person broadcasts. But, feel free to shut that feature off! While on Periscope you can watch the broadcast live or watch it on replay.
Periscope broadcasts are interactive in that you can type in comments as the video is live streaming and the broadcaster can respond! You can tap the screen of your device and you will be able to send hearts that are viewed by all. This is the social aspect of the app and a fun way to let the broadcaster know that you are enjoying the feed. You can also watch the broadcast while on Twitter by clicking on a tweeted #Periscope link which will take you to the web view. Just know that on the web view, you aren’t able to comment.
Here’s how it will look on Twitter:
Here’s a few tips about using Periscope:
- Set up your bio in Periscope. Add a few emojis to make it interesting! Add a link to your blog or your Instagram account handle. (See my bio above.)
- Check your settings in the Periscope app. Be sure they are set to your comfort level.
- Block comments of those joining your scope that aren’t respectful. You can also scope without allowing comments.
- Check on your location setting and turn that off if you don’t want your location known.
- Search for and watch a few experienced scoper’s before you get started with your first scope.
- Search for scopes in Periscope using hashtags to find interesting broadcasts.
- Find scoper’s by typing their handle here) to view on the web.
- Practice a few private scopes by clicking on the lock feature on your broadcast screen.
- Before you start your scope know that it’s ok to broadcast only to those who follow you.
- When getting ready to share out: be sure to get your Periscope title ready to go ahead of time. Create it in Evernote or your notes app and then cut and paste to the Periscope broadcast.
- In the title include a hashtag, emojis or Twitter handle of friends that are in the scope. This helps others to have a better idea of your content and peaks their interest to want to view. Great way to make new connections!
As a new teacher, I think you’ll find Periscope fun to use! Sharing your lessons, classroom design, featuring students at work and play, and interviewing parents and staff are all activities that support you to get connected. (Be sure to get permissions to video, and share your students faces, whenever you are photographing or filming them.) If you don’t yet have a classroom, play around with it as you do classroom observations or ask your University Professors to let you share out during your classes. Might be fun to highlight some sessions or talks. Or use it casually while on a trip, or walk around town. Get a feel for how it can be used and don’t be afraid to experiment. Several educators, like me, are using it to share out while at conferences or creating their own professional development with Periscope.
As the new school year approaches, I plan to create Periscopes for new and pre-service teachers around our back to school, New Teacher Chat #ntchat series, and begin to highlight chapters from my current book.
So what do you think? Does the idea of sharing your classroom with Periscope sound interesting? I challenge you to give it a go! Need more info? Here are great ideas on how to use Periscope. You can also follow the hashtag #passthescopeEdu to connect to others who are using it. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to TeachingWithSoul and connect with me on Twitter.